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Welcome to the Utrecht Biomolecular Interaction Web Portal >>

DisVis visualizes the accessible interaction space!

DisVis allows you to visualize and quantify the information content of distance restraints between macromolecular complexes.
It performs a full and systematic 6 dimensional search of the three translational and rotational degrees of freedom to determine the number of complexes consistent with the restraints. In addition, it outputs the percentage of restraints being violated and a density that represents the center-of-mass position of the scanning chain corresponding to the highest number of consistent restraints at every position in space.

In order to constantly improve our service and give you the best experience, we would really appreciate if you could take the time to complete our short online survey (~5min) available here:

DisVis webserver

REGISTRATION: To use the DisVis server you must have registered for an account. If you do not have an account yet you can register here

Submit your job to:


Average run time in minutes (5 runs each, excluding pre- and post-processing, and queued time) for runs submitted to the local CPU and grid GPGPU resources via the DisVis web server. Analysis was performed with the RNA polymerase II complex of S. cerevisiae.

DisVis Webinar

Watch the 11th BioExcel Webinar on “Robust solutions for cryoEM fitting and visualisation of interaction space”. This Webinar presented by the Disvis team features a comprehensive overview about the general methodology and algorithms behind DisVis. Furthermore it provides a quick introduction to the DisVis web portal implementation including a live demo of the portal.

Reference for use of the server

When using the DisVis server please cite:
and add the following acknowledgment:

The FP7 WeNMR (project# 261572), H2020 West-Life (project# 675858), the EOSC-hub (project# 777536) and the EGI-ACE (project# 101017567) European e-Infrastructure projects are acknowledged for the use of their web portals, which make use of the EGI infrastructure with the dedicated support of CESNET-MCC, INFN-LNL-2, NCG-INGRID-PT, TW-NCHC, CESGA, IFCA-LCG2, UA-BITP, TR-FC1-ULAKBIM, CSTCLOUD-EGI, IN2P3-CPPM, SURFsara and NIKHEF (NWO projects# 10236 and 17437), and the additional support of the national GRID Initiatives of Belgium, France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, UK, Taiwan and the US Open Science Grid


Disvis software

You can also install DisVis directly on your computer. Source code is available under Apache 2.0 license here: Github::DisVis